
For high quality essays, term papers and research papers, written as per the exact guidelines specifically given by the colleges in Canada, contact ACADEMICWRITER1@GMAIL.COM

Friday 31 May 2013

What are Admission Essays?

Admission essays which are also known as Application essays or Personal statement as the name suggests are often written by students while they are applying for admissions in Colleges or Universities. Many colleges and universities now conduct essay writing as part of their admission process.

Essay writing or the purpose of writing essays is not just to test the writing abilities of students. Yes this may be one of the criteria, however more importantly it is to learn more about you as an individual. It tells the reader more about the way he/she thinks, their approach towards subject matters, whether they are assertive, authoritative, argumentative etc without them realizing it. This is of course unless they are asked to write a particular type of essay. Admission essays are more of generalized topics and do not emphasize on any particular style of writing and the topics given are generally open ended so that the writer is given a free hand to write. This helps the writer to pick up his/her comfort zone of writing thus giving an idea about his/her personality. Thus Admission essays like all the others are equally important in order to know more about you as a student.

Monday 27 May 2013

Art and Design assignment help

 What is Art and Design? What are the areas it covers? How to go about writing an assignment in Art and design? Are you looking for essay writing help in this subject and don’t know where to start from and how to go about it? You are at the right place, reading the right article. We help students for all their writing needs, be it custom made essays, assignments or any other project. We are well versed with any subject and will help you in writing your assignment for you as per your needs.